Vouhead Weather participates in Stanford's and California's Riverside (UCR) universities research project for recording earthquakes, as also educating and outreaching in seismology. It's called QCN (Quake-Catcher Network). This is done by placing a vibration sensor. Put it more accurately, an accelerometer, which records accelerations in three axes relative to the North. Data via computer's USB port are uploaded through the BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) program to QCN. Also part of the processing power is dedicated to the BOINC program. Little processing power of all who wish to participate and the result is a supercomputer! Above are the graphs of the educational program QCN-Live. This program is only for education on local computer. So, there is actually no opportunity to publish what someone sees in real time online. It is possible to get log files but this does not serve the purpose of this page. The purpose was achieved here using other programs, making the whole procedure complex and perhaps prone to failures regarding the notion of real time. Maybe sometimes the update takes more time than promised! The accelerations are recorded as follows: Z (from up to down), Y (from front to back), X (from left to right). At the top is the relative Significance of the current recorded accelerations compared to the recorded of the past minute. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time. Acceleration is measured in meters per second squared m/s2 or m/s/s (meters per second, per second). The unit of measurement in S.I. (International System of Units) is 1 m/s2. The adjustments in the program QCN-Live are with absolute sensor values and with auto range on the diagrams. On quietness someone sees on the Z axis the measuring of the gravity, which we know that is on average 9,8 m/s2 or 1g. The value changes because the centrifugal force is greater at the equator than at higher latitudes. Of course, the centrifugal force is fictitious in the sense that the real power that exists is the centripetal force in the form of gravity. However, the centrifuge is a convenient pseudo power which we use in mathematical equations to balance the fact that the rotating Earth is not an inertial reference system, so Newton's laws cannot apply as they are. Thus we have values from 9,789 m/s2 at the equator up to 9,823 m/s2 at the poles. Moreover a role is played that the Earth is not a perfect sphere, but flattened. So objects at the poles are closer to the center than at the equator, about ten kilometers. The other two axes Y and X on quietness do not show actually a recorded acceleration, as does not exists, but only changes of noise due to the materials of the system. Given that the range is changed automatically, someone sees permanent recordings covering the entire width of the diagram, but with little differences on the values. In case of an earthquake, the vibration is defined by a vertical dotted purple line and of course the range changes, in order to fit the recording into diagram. Earthquake is the shaking of the Earth's surface, accompanied by seismic waves that carry the energy of the earthquake away from the focal area of the earthquake, until it gradually absorbed completely. Depending on the nature of an earthquake we have tectonic, volcanic, collapse, cryogenic and explosion (artificial) earthquakes. Focus is defined as the position where an earthquake takes place. Hypocenter is the consideration of focus as a point and epicenter his projection of the Earth's surface. The length of this projection is the focal depth. Regarding to this we have shallow earthquakes (0 to 30 km), intermediate depth earthquakes (30 to 70 km) and deep depth earthquakes (over 70 km). The focal depth is an important characteristic of an earthquake, as to the damage that can inflict. On greater focal depth, much greater dispersion and attenuation of seismic waves we have. Namely earthquakes with the same size but with different focal depth, have different effects with the shallow ones to be more destructive than earthquakes of intermediate or deep depth. As for the seismic waves they are distinguished according to how they travel. That depends on the material which they travel and how this material allows or not specific types of oscillation to spread, depending on the type of oscillation and the length of the seismic wave. Thus we have the P waves (primary waves) which are longitudinal pressure waves and are faster from any other types of seismic waves. They spread to all layers of the Earth, from the crust as to the core and can alternate means of dissemination and continue to spread refracted in them and from the point they reach vertically the surface of the crust they continue to carry part of the earthquakes energy beyond the ground as very high in the atmosphere. We also have the S waves (secondary waves) which are transverse waves and slower than the primary. They spread in materials which they have shape memory. So they spread from the lithosphere, with discontinuity in oceans and atmosphere, as to the bottom of the mantle. But they stop, reaching the Earth's outer core. There are other types of seismic waves generated by the primary and the secondary, when they reach the Earth's surface. Called surface waves and these are the Reyleigh waves and Love waves. If the earthquake is large, these waves can travel across the Earth's surface several times until they are completely absorbed. The surface seismic waves, especially Reyleigh waves, are partially transformed into pressure waves changing material from solid to gas and travel as high in the atmosphere where they cause cloud wrinkling. In this form they called seismic gravitational waves.