Vouhead Weather Clock
It is a sidebar gadget and You can install it like all other gadgets. There are 4 settings. The first, is to show or not, the second hand. The second, is to show or not, the date. The third, is to hear or not, a horse whinny on the hour. And the fourth, is to add or not, a quick link to Vouhead Weather.
Vouhead Weather Live
Also a sidebar gadget and You can install it like all other gadgets. There are 3 groups of settings. The first, is to choose the units for temperature, pressure, rain and wind speed. The second, is to choose which data will cycle. And the third, is to choose the rate which the data will cycle and refresh. You will be prompted if there is a new version. Also, there are error messages if something goes wrong and there is a flyout window for more informations, which has a quick link to Vouhead Weather.